联合国新媒体久安电视联合国总部消息: 联合国秘书长安东尼奥-古特雷斯29号在联合国总部发表2020年新年致辞,他在致辞中强调:”青年就是当今世界的希望“。
秘书长古特雷斯说:”我们带着不确定性和不安全感进入2020年。不平等持续存在,仇恨情绪日益高涨。世界在交战,地球在变暖。气候变化既是长期问题,更是实实在在的近期危险。” “青年一代站在了第一线,全世界都在关注青年。联合国支持你们——联合国属于青年。

UN Secretary-General’s 2020 New Year’s Message
29 Dec 2019 - From here at the United Nations, I join you in welcoming the New Year. We enter 2020 with uncertainty and insecurity all around. Persistent inequality and rising hatred. A warring world and a warming planet. Climate change is not only a long-term problem but a clear and present danger. We cannot afford to be the generation that fiddled while the planet burned. But there is also hope.
This year, my New Year’s message is to the greatest source of that hope: the world’s young people.
From climate action to gender equality to social justice and human rights, your generation is on the frontlines and in the headlines.I am inspired by your passion and determination. You are rightly demanding a role in shaping the future. I am with you.
The United Nations stands with you – and belongs to you. 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. We are launching a Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals, our blueprint for a fair globalization.
This year, the world needs young people to keep speaking out. Keep thinking big. Keep pushing boundaries. And keep up the pressure.
I wish you peace and happiness in 2020.
Thank you.
This year, my New Year’s message is to the greatest source of that hope: the world’s young people.
From climate action to gender equality to social justice and human rights, your generation is on the frontlines and in the headlines.I am inspired by your passion and determination. You are rightly demanding a role in shaping the future. I am with you.
The United Nations stands with you – and belongs to you. 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. We are launching a Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals, our blueprint for a fair globalization.
This year, the world needs young people to keep speaking out. Keep thinking big. Keep pushing boundaries. And keep up the pressure.
I wish you peace and happiness in 2020.
Thank you.